Learning + Tutorials
Get Home Bag
Duration: 24 Hours
Away From Home Emergencies: Storms, Tornado, Power Outage, Flood, Biological, Radiological, Chemical, or Terrorist Incidents
Must Have Gear:
Water, Food, Clothing, Lighting, Fire Making, Weather Protection, Visibility Gear, Games or Distractions, Maps, Sleeping Kit
Wildfires are naturally occurring or man made events which can appear suddenly and do horrific damage to huge areas within hours. Anyone who has lived in California the last couple of years knows first-hand what I'm talking about.
If you live in an area where wildfires can occur you must be prepared ahead of time, because when they hit you would have to leave in a moments notice.
Bag Organization
The key to prepping an effective emergency Bug Out Bag or any other survival kit is being able to quickly find and take stock of the items within it.
Resist the urge to dump everything in there willy-nilly. You should be able to find each item quickly and efficiently (even in the dark) without spilling the whole thing open or rummaging endlessly.
Items should be grouped together by function into kits: a fire making kit, a sleep kit, cooking kit, etc.