How to Create Writing, Paper, and the Printing Press From Scratch
In uncertain times, it's sometimes a comforting exercise to reflect back upon the traditional methods of life, when communities were on there own to supply their basic needs from the materials around them.
The Versatile Uses of Knives
If you are a prepper or survival enthusiast, by now it must be obvious that a knife is one of the most essential tools in a prepper’s apparatus, so I’m sure you have at least one close to you, while maybe a couple of others in various locations wa
How to EMP Proof a Vehicle
How do you EMP proof your car of vehicle? What is an EMP? We offer you solutions in this article.
The Ultimate Pepper Spray Guide
If you are looking for a readily available (in most areas) and effective form of self defense that doesn't require extensive training, look no further than Pepper Spray aka OC Spray (Oleoresin Capsicum spray)
How to Survive from Being Stranded at Sea
The chances of surviving from being stranded at sea are high if you know the basics of survival. Here are 9 tips that could help save your life.
Introduction to Packet Radio
With Packet Radio you can use a laptop /tablet/smartphone in conjunction with a Terminal Node Controller and a Radio to send messages and files via radio waves.
Building A Bug Out Kindle Survival Library
A survival library of information at your fingertips may be the tool in your Bug Out Bag that saves your life. Build a library with these helpful book recommendations.
The Ultimate Body Armor Guide
The Ultimate Body Armor Guide. Everything you should know when purchasing body armor to keep you safe.
The Best 18650 Battery
Rechargeable batteries are here and they are the future. This new technology has gone beyond way beyond what traditional alkaline batteries can handle, and if you are sticking to the old ways then you are doing yourself a disservice.
The Ultimate Hurricane Preparation Checklist
Hurricanes create a unique set of dangerous circumstances for the people who might be subjected to them. If the wind and debris don't get you, then the flooding and storm surge might.