Darn Tough Vermont Socks Review
Socks are not the most exciting things on the planet to talk about (not yet, keep reading...) so kudos to you if you have gotten this far.
It probably means you understand how important your feet are and how difficult it is to find a decent pair of socks in a world of cheap imports.
Good news! We in the US have our very own master sock makers, and they live in the beautiful state of Vermont.
If you don't already know, I'm talking about Darn Tough Vermont. Makers of the only socks you will ever need to buy again.
By the way if you buy anything with the links we provide on this page we get a small percentage of the sale. For more info click here.
You Need Good Socks
If you have ever walked for more than a few hours at a time you have probably experienced some chafing or blistering on your feet.
Not comfortable right? And how long did they take to heal? In many cases blisters can take almost a week to disappear completely.
If you have kids, have they ever gotten a blister? What happens after that? (Hint: let the screaming begin...they won't move.)
* Image Credit How far do you want to carry the kids?
Did you also know that blisters can get infected? They can, very easily. And did you know that those infections, if left untreated, can lead to death in some cases?
(If you don't know the story, President Calvin Coolidge's 16 year old son died within a week in 1924 from a blister he got on his toe while playing tennis.)
This isn't something that is a major problem these days, we have antibiotics and the like. But in a situation where basic medical services are compromised our out of touch, then you could have a real problem on your hands.
It's also not a stretch to imagine a scenario where you and your family might need to walk for several miles during an evacuation. Ever try to walk with a blister? It's a nightmare.
Best to avoid them all-together, isn't it?
We're not going to gross you our with photos of blisters, but it wouldn't hurt for you to do a quick image search to see what can happen if you don't treat them.
In addition to good socks, you need good fitting boots. But that's another topic.
Why Darn Tough Socks?
So why Darned Tough socks vs the cheapy 10 pack you can get at Wallyworld for $2?
In a word: quality.
Darn Tough is made in the US from the best materials available for the job(s) they are designed for. They will be there when you need them the most.
They will last and last. I have 4 pairs of the Coolmax Vertex No Show Tab Ultralite's that I wear at the gym and out on the town. Each has hundreds of run miles on them. They all look as good as they day I got them.
No holes. No stretching. No BS.
For what it's worth, we have 17 pairs of DT socks, with the first pair bought in 2014. Yes, I just went and counted them. I am getting 2 more pairs of Coolmax.
We are that convinced.
A small smattering of our Darn Tough collection.
Picture a scenario where you are forced from your home for several days or weeks. You are traveling all over from place to place putting a lot of miles on feet that normally would be up on the couch.
Don't suffer needlessly. Get the good socks.
- Darn Tough socks are made in the USA (Northfield, Vermont)
- Every sock comes with a unconditional lifetime guarantee
- Darn Tough ethically sources their merino wool
- Darn Tough offers uncompromised comfort, fit and durability
The Darn Tough Lifetime Guarantee
It's simple. To the point. Worth a 1,000 words. We'll just let them say it:
Our unconditional lifetime guarantee is simple and without strings or conditions. If our socks are not the most comfortable, durable and best fitting socks you have ever owned, return them for another pair.
It's a fairly simple process, answer a few questions on their webpage and get yourself a new pair.
Uh huh. Great. So this helps why....?
Think about it. If you have 5 pairs and you wear them out, just get another 5 pairs to replace them.
Which Ones to Get?
Darn Tough makes a multitude of socks and styles. Where to begin?
First think about what kind of footwear you will be wearing. This will determine the height you want.
Second think about the seasonality of where you live. Colder climates will have different requirements than warmer ones.
But we will give you a few recommendations based on the ones we have tried and love.
Best Overall
Darn Tough Tactical Socks
Typical Price: $30
Darn Tough has dedicated Tactical Series of socks that it keeps it simple. These would be good for all but the warmest of climates.
Pick the size you need and whether or not you want cushioning and you are set.
They are made with varying degrees of Merino Wool, Nylon and Lycra Spandex.
Best Hot Weather
If you live in a hot place like the southern US, then look into their Run Socks (men | women.)
They are made with a mix of Merino Wool, Nylon, Lycra Spandex, and Coolmax Polyester, depending on the model.
Darn Tough CoolMax Infused Socks
Typical Price: $16
CoolMax is a great material. It helps prevent blisters by wicking moisture away from the feet. Darn Tough has a bunch of different styles which uses CoolMax. An good all-around choice.
Best Cold Weather
If you are a northerner then you want a more substantial sock. Check out the Darn Tough Hunting Socks (men | women.)
They beef-up the Merino wool and add cushioning.
Darn Tough Hunting Socks
Typical Price: $26
Merino wool functions well even when wet. Unlike cotton, Merino wool doesn't lose its thermal properties when wet the way cotton does.
It also cuts down on stink-foot, is comfy, and dries pretty quickly.
Buy Once Cry Once
OK so here's the only problem with Darn Tough socks as far as we can tell, and that is the sticker shock people get when they find out what they cost.
Darn Tough socks will cost you $15 to 30 depending on the pair.
Yes, that is as much as you paid for that 10 pack of cotton tube socks you bought a few months ago.
In the long run however, buying their socks is the least expensive option because not only will Darn Tough socks will outlast nearly any other brand, but when they are finally do fall apart (hasn't happened to us yet) you can just send them back for a new pair.
Do what we did. Try 1 pair for a few months. See how well they work and how comfortable they are and you'll be hooked.
Not bad for 5 year old socks!
OK, now for a little brevity:
Darn Tough Saved Our Marriage
If you are like me and my wife, you have a problem. That problem is your sock drawer (or drawers in some cases...looking at you honey.)
Filled to the brim with socks dating back to the early 18th century; half are stretched out of shape, the other have threadbare and full of holes. Do any of them even match anymore?
What if I told you there was another way?
What if I told you that you only needed to buy 10, maybe 20 socks for the rest of your life?
Madness you'd say!
Oh but dear reader, this is not madness, this is Spar...uh...Darn Tough's magic sauce!
Because their socks are so good, we've been able to get rid of all of the other pairs we have been collecting for the last 40 odd years of our lives, and only have a handful of Darn Toughs.
We can even (shocker) share a sock drawer now. One drawer! Two people! AMAZE!
Thank you Darn Tough. Our inner Marie Kondo thanks you too.